- Bedsider
- November 14, 2012
- 3:00 pm
get healthy living updates
You don?t have to tell us it can be hard to remember your?pill every day. And it?s not just birth control users: the World Health Organization estimates that half of people taking medication of any kind have problems taking it on time. Some medications even come in bottles with tops that flash red if you forget to take a dose. Pill packaging hasn?t gone so high tech, but if you use Bedsider you?re probably well aware that there?s another technological solution:?cell phone (or email) reminders.
A new study from researchers at Columbia University showed that getting a daily text message reminder about the pill helped busy New York women remember to take it. It also helped them stick with it over time: after 6 months, more women getting the texts were still using the pill compared to women who didn?t get the texts. What we want to know: were their reminders as much fun as?ours?
Could Semen Boost Your Mood?
The 7 Spiritual Laws of Love
Adult Sex Education
Read more: College Life, Community, Dating, Friendship, Life, Love, Relationships, Sex, Sexual Health, Women's Health
Originally published on November 23, 2011, on bedsider.org.
Everyone should have the life they want, when they want it. And until someone is ready to have a baby, we believe they should have access to birth control. That?s where we come in. Bedsider makes birth control easier. How? By giving you everything you need to find it, get it, and use it well.
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Source: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/text-reminders-for-medication.html
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